Is Google Ads Certification Still Relevant in 2024? Expert Insights

Google Ads continues to be a major player in the digital marketing industry. Utilising pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, it allows companies to connect with a specific market that is actively looking for their goods or services. Google Ads Certification has long been a well-liked option among the many certifications offered. However, the question of whether Google Ads Certification is still applicable emerges as we approach 2024. Let’s dig deeper into this topic and learn from the best.

What is Google Ads and Why Use It?

What Are Google Ads? Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is an online advertising platform that enables companies to place targeted advertisements on other websites, mobile apps and Google Search results pages (SERPs). These are highly targeted ads that show up when people search for terms associated with your goods or services. This is a great method to connect with people who are actively looking for what you have to offer.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Google Ads

It’s important to understand the advantages of google ads before we talk about the certification. The platform has several advantages:

  • Targeted Reach:

Utilise online behaviour, hobbies and demographics to reach a highly focused audience.

  • Measurable Outcomes:

Monitor the real-time performance of your campaigns to make necessary tweaks and improvements.

  • Flexible Budget Control:

Establish your daily or campaign spending limit and only pay when a user clicks through to your advertisement.

  • Fast Results:

Observe faster outcomes than with organic SEO strategies.

There are certain drawbacks to Google Ads as well:

  • Cost: 

It can be pricey, depending on your sector and desired keywords.

  • Competition:

High competition for particular keywords may result in higher prices.

  • Needs Continuous Management:

For best results, ongoing monitoring and optimisation are required.

What is Google Ads Certification and Why Consider It?

What is Google Ads Certification? This Google program evaluates your expertise in running Google Ads campaigns. You can demonstrate your comprehension of the platform and its features by completing the exams and earning a Google Ads certification.

Benefits of google ads certification include the following:

  • Increased Credibility:

Having a Google Ads certification badge on your online profile or CV lets prospective clients or employers know how knowledgeable you are.

  • Enhanced Knowledge:

Your comprehension of Google Ads features and campaign optimisation techniques is strengthened by the certification procedure.

  • Keeping Up to Date:

The Google Ads certification examinations are updated frequently to guarantee that you are familiar with the newest features available on the platform.

  • Competitive edge:

A Google Ads certification will help you stand out from the competition in a crowded job market.

Is Google Ads Certification Worth It?

Getting certified in Google AdWords shows your dedication to the platform and might make an impression on clients or companies. You will gain a deeper understanding of fundamental Google Ads concepts such as keyword research, bidding techniques and campaign optimisation by studying for the certification. Agencies can gain access to the Google Partners programme, which provides training and support, by obtaining certifications. However, a certification is not a guarantee of employment or success in Google Ads, as the platform and best practices are constantly evolving. That is just a single puzzle piece.

It’s up to you in the end. Investing in certification can be beneficial if you’re new to Google Ads or wish to show prospective employers how knowledgeable you are about the platform. But it doesn’t replace hands-on training and lifelong learning.

How To Become A Google Ads Specialist

There are various processes involved in becoming a Google Ads specialist:

  • Become Certified in Google Ads:

This lays a solid basis and displays your fundamental understanding.

  • Obtain Real-World Experience:

Real-world campaign management experience with Google Ads is a must. To expand your portfolio, think about volunteering or doing freelance work.

  • Acquire More Skills:

To enhance your knowledge of Google Ads, get to know conversion rate optimisation (CRO), web analytics and marketing automation.

  • Stay Updated:

The field of digital marketing is always changing. Keep up with the latest developments in Google Ads functionality and best practices.

How Long Does It Take To Become Google Ads Certified?

For many, the question of how long does it take to become google ads certified is crucial. What you already know and have expertise with will determine how long it takes. It could take newcomers anywhere from a few weeks to many months to study and accumulate the required experience before taking the certification tests. The certification itself can be obtained quickly—each exam lasts 75 minutes. For people who have already taken the test, the procedure can be shortened, taking anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, with the major goals being reviewing material and getting comfortable with the format of the exam.


So, is Google Ads Certification still relevant in 2024? The answer is a resounding yes, particularly for those seeking to establish or advance their careers in digital marketing. The certification provides a credible, structured path to acquiring and demonstrating proficiency in Google Ads. However, it’s essential to supplement this certification with practical experience and continuous learning to remain effective in a dynamic industry. Whether you’re looking to break into digital marketing or enhance your existing skills, Google Ads Certification remains a valuable asset in your professional toolkit.

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